Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

What is syiah

Shia splinter flow in Shiite Islam and is one of the many splinter sects in Islam.
While that is a splinter in the flow stream that Islam is its teachings menyempal or deviate from the true teachings of Islam that has been delivered by the Prophet Muhammad, or in the language of religion is called Expert Bid'ah.
Furthermore because the Shia sects vary, there is no stream flow Zaydiyyah Shia Ithna Shia Imami Ismaili Shia Asyariah no flow etc, so this time when we mention the word Shia, then the question is the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna burgeoning Asyariah our country and centered on Iran or often called the Shiite Khumainiyah.
Which case because Shia are now the cause of the unrest and hostilities and divisions within the community, thereby disrupting and damaging the unity and integrity of our nation.
Shiite leaders is what is now being Actively misleading Muslims from the teachings of true Islam.

What does the word Shi'a according to the language?

Shia word derived from the Arabic word meaning followers, also implies supporters and lovers, can also be interpreted group.
For example: Muhammad Shia means follower or lover Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad or group.
Therefore in terms of language, be called a Shia Muslim Muhammad bin Abdillah Muhammad and the followers of Jesus can be called as Shia Isa alaihis salam.
Then keep in mind that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad or the Shiite-Shiite groups that existed before Islam, everything is eliminated by the Prophet Muhammad, so that when it does not exist anymore and no Shia Shiite.
Which case because the Prophet Muhammad was sent to unite the people and not sent to make the groups or Shiite is Shia's.
Allah says:

     واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا         ( العمران:١۰٣)
"How Firm And hold you all the rope (religion) of Allah and do not you divorce disarray (in groups)."

But after the Prophet's death, the seeds of disunity began there, so at that time there were groups or Shiite-Shiite who support a person, but a political nature.
For example, before Sayyidina Abu Bakr as the Caliph in allegiance, at that time there was a group of people who strive ANSOR want to raise Saad bin Ubadah as Caliph. But with the approval of Sayyidina Abu Bakr became the Caliph, then the group bubarlah.
Similarly, when there are small groups who argue that more eligible Sayyidina Ali became the Caliph on the grounds because of the close ties of kinship to the Prophet Muhammad. But with baiatnya Sayyidina Ali to Caliph Abu Bakr, then finished the problem.
Therefore essentially political and not aqidah, then such things that always happen, briefly raised and briefly lost or dispersed.
Similarly, after Sayyidina Ali inducted as Caliph, during which Muawiyah rebelled Ali Kholifah of leadership, then things like that arise again, so this time there are groups or Shia Ali Ali and Muawiyah are no groups or Shiite Muawiyah.
So at that time the term Shi'a is not only used for the followers of Imam Ali or group alone, but followers or groups of Muawiyah also called Shiites.
This argument is strengthened by what is stated in the agreement or Sohifah At-tahkim between Imam Ali to Muawiyah, which is mentioned in the agreement:

  هذا ما تقاضى عليه على بن ابى طالب ومعاوية بن ابى سفيان وشيعتهما                                     
( اصول مذهب الشيعة )                      
This is what has been agreed upon by Ali bin Abi Talib and Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan, and both Shia them.
(Usul school of Twelver Shia Ithna Asyariyah)

Thus the mention of the word Shia at the time was already there, but only in the sense of language and essentially political and not merely the basis of belief or sect.
The Aqeedah of the friends at the time, both Imam Ali and Muawiyah and his group and his group, they both follow anything that worked and taught by the Prophet Muhammad.
This is corroborated by the testimony of Imam Ali, where in his letter to the Expert Amsor, he tells the story of what happened between him (Imam Ali) with Expert Sham (Muawiyah) in the Battle of Siffin as follows:

  كان بدء امرنا انا التقينا والقوم من اهل الشام، والظاهر ان ربنا واحد، ونبينا واحد،         ودعوتنا فى الاسلام واحد، ولا نستزيدهم فى الاسلام بالله والتصديق برسوله، ولا          يستزيدوننا، الامر واحد الا ما اختلفنا فيه من دم عثمان، ونحن منه براء
( نهج البلاغة- ٤٤٨ )          

As for the problems in a we, that there has been a battle between us with expert Sham (Muawiyah and Shia).
Equally clear that our Lord, our Prophet is the same and we are proselytizing in Islam is the same. Similarly, our faith in God and our faith to Allah, not to exceed their faith, and their faith is also not beyond our faith.
The problem is only one, that in the event of a dispute we killed (Kholifah) Usman, are we in the incident, was not involved. "
(Nahj Balaghoh - 448)

Further, because the problem is only in politics that caused the killing of Caliph Usman RA and not in a matter of belief, then when Imam Ali heard of his followers who revile Muawiyah and his group, he was furious and banned, saying:

  انى اكره لكم ان تكونوا سبابين ، لكنكم لو وصفتم اعمالهم، وذكرتم حالهم، كان اصوب     فى القول وابلغ فى العذر، وقلتم مكان سبكم اياهم، اللهم احقن دماءنا ودماءهم، واصلح
  ذات بيننا وبينهم   ( نهج البلاغة -٣٢٣

"I do not like you to be detractors (pencaci-maki), but suppose you guys show their actions and their circumstances you mentioned, then it is so it will be accepted as an excuse. Then you replace them with your diatribe:O Allah save our blood and their blood, and we make peace with them(Nahj Balaghoh - 323)Thus the direction of Imam Ali to his followers and the lover. If revile Muawiyah and his followers be prohibited by Imam Ali, then what about those who revile Shiites now even mengkafirkan Mu'awiya and his followers, it worth they are called as followers of Imam AliBack to the understanding of the Shia in the Arabic language is called Shia Lughotan, as we explained above, it is now there are people who think that his Sunni Shia automatic. Another thing which is not due to their lack of knowledge about it. So they do not know that we're dealing with right now is school of Shia or Shiite or full flow is the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah (Ja'fariyyah).Therefore, the term Shia Lughotan is not used by our parents (Salafunassholeh), they are afraid of ordinary people can not distinguish between the meaning of the word Shia groups or followers of the Shiite stream or school of Shi'a. Case where because of the Shia sects are manifold, all of which have been rejected and deemed heretical by Salafunassholeh.Furthermore Muhibbin salafunassholeh use the term for followers and lovers of Imam Ali and his descendants and the term is used until now.There is one note to note, therefore salafunassholeh do not want to use the word Shia in the word or word group of followers because of Shia sects are manifold, then finally just used the word Shia in a group called Rofidhah, namely the Shiite known to berate Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Sayyidina Umar.So now if anyone said the word Shi'a, thenquestion is the flow or sects Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah.Indeed, in the absence of clear information about the Shia and Shia Lughotan Madhhaban, it is easy for people to obscure Shiite problem, so it is a good opportunity for them in their efforts mensyiahkan Indonesian society known since ancient family of the Prophet Muhammad as a lover.

What is the flow (madhhab) Twelver Shia Ithna Asyariyah it?

Imami Shia Ithna Asyariyah is one of the many flow Shiite sects Shia fighting each other as named streams Shia schools of Ahlul Bait. And its adherents claim only himself alone or group who follow and love the Ahlul Bait. Shia flow is adopted or followed by the majority (65%) of the people IRAN. Similarly, as the Shiite stream followed by the people of Indonesia are devoted to Khomeini and Shia.When compared with schools of other Shia, the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah flow is a stream of the most heretical Shia (GHULAH) and the most dangerous to religion, nation and state at this time.By using cunning strategies they call TAGIYAH (lie) which can result justifies any means, this flow is developed.As a result many people who beraqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah and inedible fooled by their propaganda, so out of the religion of his ancestors (Islam) and enter the Shia.Because Ashobiyah or bigotry based on in-depth, the flow is fast spreading and growing, especially among lay Alawiyyin (descendants of the Prophet Muhammad) and Muhibbin (they were lovers). So like a malignant cancer growing in a healthy body, which is hundreds of years known beraqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah.Actually for people who educated religion, it was not until the outbreak shake their faith, but for those who lack knowledge of Islam, easily contract the disease.In this alarming situation, arose those who feel called to resist and fight the flow. Various ways have they traveled, there is the road lecturing, no writing, some even with the discussion and Alhamdulillah got a positive response from the community and from the government.In contrast to the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah filled with mutual respect and full of love and full of love to forgive because forgiveness is based on Al and Al AFWA Ahlaqul Karimah Magdiroh Indal (pardon when he can reply) and Husnudhdhon (good thought), then the teaching Imami Shia Ithna Asyariyah is full filled with scorn and slander-filled with slander and curse-curse, because based on the Suudhdhon (prejudice) and resentment and bigotry are not unfounded.We can see how they are without polite brave and openly revile the Companions, slandering the Prophet Muhammad's wives, especially Siti Aisyah, even the Prophet himself did not escape from their charges.Shia teachings are troubling and raise the ire of the Muslim community, making the scholars around the world have agreed to provide information to the public. Hundreds of book titles published, millions of books are printed in order for the public to know and be wary of straying Shia Shiite movement. In writing these books that the scholars we take the source and the rest of the books of Shia (Shiite reference books), so it is very difficult for people to refute Shia.Furthermore the number of outstanding books that contain heresy and exposing the Shia doctrine, then a lot of people who used to be affected to the Shia, to be aware of and get back to the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah. It is certainly not out guidance and inayah and taufiq of Allah SWT. With the exception of those who are ill-fated, that is, people who are destined by God as the Syagi (wretched and miserable).May we and our families were classified as those who Suada 'or the lucky ones rescued by God from the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah misguided and misleading.

What is syiah?

What is the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait?

What is the difference between Ahlussunnah Waljamaah by Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah?

When the birth name of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah?

What is the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Ahlus Sunnah group and who Waljamaah?


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