Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

What is the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait?

Madzhab of Ahlul Bait is the pseudonym of many Shia sects. Where each flow stream as claimed Shia Madzhab of Ahlul Bait.For example, flow Zaydiyyah Shia Madzhab of Ahlul Bait claim to be. Similarly, the flow of the Shia Ismaili, they also claimed to be the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait. Even the most heretical Shia flow at this time, the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah (Ja'fariyah) also boldly claimed as Madzhab of Ahlul Bait.Cause them to dare call flow as a Madzhab of Ahlul Bait, because this time the Islamic world already knows that the Shi'a sects and teachings false and misleading greatly deviate from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. and the teachings of Ahlul Bait.Therefore, in an attempt to deceive and mislead Muslims, they use a pseudonym as the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait. And it turns out that their business successful, so there is of Muslims are deceived and finally plunged entry Shia.Because Shia sects claiming to be the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait different pillars of faith, then they are infidel, infidel Shia Shiite one another.If the Shia sects mutually mengkafirkan it really as Madzhab of Ahlul Bait, meaning it illustrates that the founding Madzhab in Islam are mutually infidel, then the question that arises is; possible Ahlul Bait that has been purified pure and thoroughly purified by Allah that each mengkafirkan ?.The answer, certainly not impossible, and it's just engineering and trickery Shiite figures who are not thinking of the consequences.Thus the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait whose name was not there, that there is Madzhabnya Ahlul Bait, not the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait but madzhabnya Ahlul Bait or his creed of Ahlul Bait. That faith is now known as the creed of Ahlus Sunnah Waljamaah. Adhering to the belief that nothing is believedand performed by the Prophet Muhammad, his companions and the Ahlul Bait.If the Madzhabl of Ahlul Bait whose name was there and correct, surely that is a descendant of the following Madzhab of Ahlul Bait, namely the habaib not Ajam people of Iran.But the fact of the habaib almost all follow the creed of Ahlus Sunnah Waljamaah. They continued to follow the creed that connect to their king kedatuk Prophet Muhammad.It can be read in the book Iqdul Yawaqid Aljauhariyyah, the work of Al-Allama al-Habib Umar bin Al-Edrus Ethiopia, and can be read in the dozens, even hundreds of books written by the habaib dzurriyaturrasul.So true, akidahnya Waljamaah group Ahlus Sunnah are Ahlul Bait or madzhabnya akidahnya Ahlul Bait hitherto followed by descent or the Ahlul Bait Al-Alawiyin habaib dzurriyaturrasul.If the millions of habaib that there are two, three people who deviate (syad), then those who are not classified as habaib figure who became a role model. But they are the victims akidahnya damaged due to read books written by people orientalist and Jewish Zionists.So a little about the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait and madzhabnya Ahlul Bait. May we be saved by God from deceit Shiite figures who often claim to be followers of Ahlul Bait's Madzhab.

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What is the Madzhab of Ahlul Bait?

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